One of the best things about working with BlazeMaster® Fire Protection Systems is the opportunity to be a part of the constant innovation that takes place in our industry. I’m always enthused to learn about new offerings from our manufacturing partners that will help designers, contractors and installers to sell and install fire sprinkler systems both in commercial and residential settings.
Today I’d like to share that Johnson Controls is now offering its Tyco® LFII 4.9K Concealed Pendent Sprinkler in an intermediate temperature rating.
Intermediate Temperature Rating Offers Flexibility – Plus, Improved Aesthetics
The intermediate temperature model provides greater flexibility when mounting sprinklers near potential heat sources. The new LFII intermediate temperature sprinkler includes a 212°F (100°C) sprinkler and 165°F (74°C) cover plate, and is designed for residential wet pipe systems where temperatures may reach up to 150°F (66°C). This prevents the possibility of overheating in areas such as laundry rooms and spaces underneath unconditioned attics where the back of the sprinkler may be exposed to increased temperatures.
Many jurisdictions now require residential sprinklers to be rated for intermediate temperatures to assist in optimizing system dependability.
Aesthetically, the sprinkler features a reduced gap cover plate that provides a more discreet profile. The cover plates are available in 10 standard colors and finishes. Custom finishing is also available.
Listings, Certifications and Codes – Check!
The sprinkler is NSF certified and UL/ULc listed. It meets NFPA 13D (one- and two-family dwellings and manufactured homes) and NFPA 13R (low-rise residential occupancy).
The intermediate temperature Tyco® LFII 4.9K Concealed Pendent Sprinkler delivers the same UL listed flow rates and pressures for all coverage areas as the ordinary temperature model. These continue to be available as part of the LFII residential sprinkler portfolio. It has a K factor of 4.9 and comes with a 10-year warranty.
It’s one more tool to help fire sprinkler professionals provide safety and to save lives.
To learn more, please visit