BlazeMaster CPVC Reference Sheet Helps Guide AHJ Inspections
Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) play a critical role in our industry by reviewing plans, issuing permits, and conducting inspections that ensure a fire protection system will work as designed to protect people and property. An AHJ inspection is always a moment of truth for a contractor and is typically the culmination of an ongoing dialogue and a positive working relationship.
To help ensure inspections cover all the right bases, we’ve developed an inspection reference sheet [LINK] to use during inspections of BlazeMaster® Fire Protection Systems. The reference sheet lays out all the details needed for a thorough inspection. It’s a handy reminder for AHJs – and a helpful guide for contractors as you get ready for an inspection. Please note, the content is specific to BlazeMaster CPVC only.
The Reference Sheet is organized into three sections:
Where Can BlazeMaster CPVC Be Used?
This section starts with an overview of listed applications for BlazeMaster CPVC by Underwriters Laboratories and Underwriters Laboratories of Canada, including:
- Light hazard occupancies as defined in NFPA 13
- Residential
- Ordinary hazard
- Air plenums
- Private fire service mains
- System risers
- Installation in concrete
From there, the reference sheet covers the specific requirements for these uses, including temperature/pressure rating, concealed installations, and sprinkler head temperature ratings. For exposed installations, the reference sheet includes specific requirements for standard coverage and residential sprinkler as well as light hazard extended coverage or residential speakers.
For instance, the section on unfinished basements covers ceiling construction, sprinkler system requirements, blocking, perpendicular installation and parallel installation. The sheet also highlights key issues around residential dry pipe systems, attic spaces, air plenums, Canadian installations and garage installations.
System Risers
The reference sheet covers the requirements under NFPA 13, 13R and 13D for concealed and exposed system risers, including detailed specifications on risers and supports. The guide also includes all the details required in properties insured by Factory Mutual as well as the Loss Prevention Council. For instance, it’s important to know that BlazeMaster CPVC may be installed in ordinary classifications such as offices, retail shops and department stores under guidelines in the Loss Prevention Council.
The reference sheet also outlines the requirements for underground water pressure service when installed under ASTN D2774, ASTM F645, NFPA 24 and the BlazeMaster Installation & Design Manual. Key topics include trenching and backfilling.
The third section of the reference sheet covers key installation issues. For instance, on hangers and supports the reference tool notes that BlazeMaster CPVC requires fewer supports than flexible plastic systems. Other topics include:
- Penetration of studs and joists
- Transition to other materials
- Thermal expansion and contraction
- Pipe defections
- Chemical compatibility
- Freeze protection
- Painting
- Penetrating fire-rated walls and partitions
- Earthquake bracing
- Sway bracing
Do you have an inspection coming up? Download our Reference Sheet to help you though the process.